Martin McKeay’s
Network Security Blog
I started blogging in the late 2000, making my first attempts using hand coded HTML, then MovableType, before settling into WordPress. After a long hiatus I’m reviving the Network Security Blog to share my ideas and thoughts with the world at large. With over 20 years experience in the security field, I think I’ve learned a thing or two, and want to share with the security community.
Most of my old content is lost to the ravages of time, as I didn’t take the steps necessary to make a good backup. We live and learn, or we don’t, but I’m hoping you can learn from my mistakes.
I currently live in Central Florida, something I continue to have mixed feelings about. Fall and winter are nice here, but late spring and summer … suck. I can make an easy day trip to Epcot Center or any of the other Disney properties, provided I plan in advance. But, yeah, it’s still Florida.
For fun, I read, play Minecraft, 3D print miniatures, and play D&D. I read a lot, primarily fantasy and LitRPG. I’ll occasionally post pictures of my prints on my Twitter account.
You can follow me on Twitter or invite me to connect via LinkedIn.